March 27, 2025
Fajr Jama'at

4:35 am

2 Hour 50
Start4:15 am5:53 am12:14 pm3:40 pm6:34 pm7:49 pm
Jama'at4:35 am12:45 pm4:00 pm6:34 pm8:15 pm



Support the YCA Cultural Centre Masjid

The YCA Cultural Centre Masjid relies entirely on the generous donations from our local community and donors across the United Kingdom.

Alhamdulillah, we are blessed with a community that consistently contributes towards special projects and after Jumuah prayers.

We kindly ask for your support to help maintain the Masjid and sustain all its essential services.

Every donation is deeply appreciated.

“Those who spend their wealth in charity, day and night, secretly and openly— their reward is with their Lord. There will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.”
— Qur’an 2:274

If you wish to make a donation via bank transfer, please find our bank details below:

Account Name: Yemeni Community Association in Sandwell Limited
Sort-Code:         20-08-64
Account No:      53985504

May Allah (SWT) bless you for your generosity.

Thank you for your support.

Make a donation
