February 23, 2025

7:06 am

25:00 Minutes
Start5:32 am7:06 am12:22 pm3:14 pm5:37 pm6:52 pm
Jama'at6:00 am12:45 pm3:30 pm5:37 pm7:15 pm

Tuition Special Measures

Dear parents and guardians,

I hope you and your families are well.

At the YCA, one of our aims is to enrich the value of children’s education. We hope to increase their confidence in their abilities to succeed academically and aspire to be the best they can be. It is for this very reason that the YCA is happy to announce that we will be providing tuition classes again.

Classes will take place every Tuesday evening starting on 29th September 2020 (during term time) from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. The two subjects that will be covered are English and Maths. Due to the size of our rooms and to maintain Government rules we have limited the number of spaces to 10 students in years 5, 6 (SATS) and 10 students in years 10 and 11 (GCSEs). Due to its popularity we have children already registered on the waiting list so in order to secure your child’s space throughout the year they will be required to attend regularly. Missing 3 consecutive classes or not obtaining 75% attendance will result in your child being replaced with another child on the waiting list.

We have drawn up plans in response to the government and local authority guidance. These arrangements will be put in place through a robust risk assessment process. The classes will be delivered from the YCA centre and should the need arise (e.g. lockdown) we will switch to classes on Zoom. We are really looking forward to welcoming back your children. We will be placing a strong focus on everyone’s well-being and ensuring that all children feel safe, settled and happy as soon as possible. In order to ensure our centre is as safe as possible we will endeavour to put the following measures in place:

BEFORE 29th September can you please make sure that:

  • All contact details for you are up to date in case we need to contact you.
  • That if your child is ill and displays any COVID symptoms or lives with someone with symptoms that you keep them at home. You should call 111 who will provide support.
  • Your child has a water bottle that can be reused and taken home.
  • Your child has a pen, pencil, sharpener and rubber. KS4 students will need to bring in a scientific calculator. Students will not be allowed to use their phones.
  • If your child has medication e.g. an inhaler or epi pen, they must bring their medication with them, which is in date and clearly labelled as we will be unable to allow your child to attend if they do not have it. Together with a parent, we will complete an individual healthcare plan for your child and determine who will administer the medication.

On 29th September and for future Tuition classes can you please make sure that:

  • Your child is dropped off in the front car park. Parents will not be allowed into the centre unless it is deemed necessary by staff.
  • Your child enters through the main reception door and exits the building via the fire exit in their classroom.
  • When you come to collect your child that you remain in your car. A YCA staff member will inform your child of your arrival.
  • The children must wear a mask until they are seated at their desk and when they are leaving the centre after the class finishes.

Other special measures: 

  • Upon entering the building all children must use the hand sanitizer gel and have their temperature taken.
  • We will create class bubbles which will be kept together. We will keep the bubbles separate from the other bubble throughout the evening.
  • Where space permits, desks might be rearranged to reduce face-to-face contact.
  • To maintain social distancing and for extra precaution of overcrowding, the children will not be allowed to leave their seats during the class unless they have sought permission from a staff member. At the end of the session the child will remain in their seats until a staff member has informed them that a parent/guardian has arrived to collect them.
  • We will only allow children in year 10 and 11 to walk home alone if we have received written confirmation from parents. A permission slip can be requested from the YCA office if you wish your child to walk home by themselves. We request that children in year 5 and 6 to be collected by an adult as we will not allow them to leave with an older sibling who has permission.
  • There will be no breaks however children can bring a drink with them. No food is allowed.
  • To ensure that the toilets do not become crowded, only one child can use the toilet facilities at any one time.
  • There will be regular and enhanced cleaning of centre.
  • Communication with parents will be through email and telephone conversations in the first instance.
  • We will endeavour to promote good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach. Tissues and bacterial wipes are available for young people to use.
  • PPE will not be worn by staff or children but, will be available for staff for use when attending to a child’s personal care needs or if a child becomes ill with COVID like symptoms.
  • We will encourage everyone not to touch their mouth, eyes and nose.

We recognise that this may be an anxious time for many children and parents, but we are here to help and support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0121-525-3909.

Kind regards,

Ahmed Alkash,
Youth Development Officer

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