February 22, 2025
Fajr Jama'at

6:00 am

Start5:36 am7:11 am12:22 pm3:00 pm5:33 pm6:48 pm
Jama'at6:00 am12:45 pm3:30 pm5:33 pm7:15 pm

YCA Arabic School

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

I hope that you are all well and safe and have had a pleasant summer break.

I am writing to inform you that the YCA Arabic School will start on Saturday 11th September and the YCA Tahfeeth School will start on Monday 13th September.

Parents can register their child either:

i) Online – This is our preferred method. Simply click on the following link and complete the registration form:



ii) By attending the Lodge Community Centre (B70 8PJ) on Wednesday 8th September from 5pm- 7pm and completing a registration form.

We will offer places on a strict FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis. We will confirm your child’s place once we have received a completed registration form and the correct payment.

The fees for this academic year for the Arabic school will be £273 which includes the cost of the text books. The fees for the Tahfeeth school will be £200. This payment can be paid on 8th Sept if you are registering at the Lodge Community Centre via cash or card payment. Alternatively you can transfer the amount directly into the YCA in Sandwell bank account. The details are below:

Account Name: YCA in Sandwell
Sort Code: 20-08-64
Account No: 53985504

Please use your child’s full name as the payment reference. Once you have completed the registration form and made the payment please send me a message via WhatsApp or Email (yhaia@yca-Sandwell.org.uk) to let me know. If all is well I will respond with a confirmation.

Once you child is registered we will send you more information regarding the Arabic School & Tahfeeth School and how the classes will be delivered.

If this is your child’s first year with us, we will contact you to arrange a test to determine their level so they can be placed in the correct class.

I look forward to seeing you soon InShaAllah.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0121-553-2013.

Kind regards,

Yhaia Haffidh

YCA Manager

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