February 22, 2025
Fajr Jama'at

6:00 am

Start5:36 am7:11 am12:22 pm3:00 pm5:33 pm6:48 pm
Jama'at6:00 am12:45 pm3:30 pm5:33 pm7:15 pm

Yemeni Youth Forum Nominations

Yemeni Youth Forum (YYF)

What is the Yemeni Youth Forum?

The Yemeni Youth Forum is youth led committee which means that it is run by young people and is all about young people. Young people aged 11- 18 meet every month and raise any issues of importance to them. After discussing the issues, the YYF look at different possible ways to address and tackle these issues. The YYF also influences the type of youth activities that is provided by the YCA youth program.

The benefits of being a member of the Yemeni Youth Forum include:

Outings – team buildings and networking
Learning and Skills – gain accreditation and new experiences
Challenges – helping to make key decisions that affect young people
Friendships – meeting other young people with similar interests
Representation – represent young people locally
Priority – As a member you will have priority on YCA holiday programmes & activities

What will be expected of me?

As a YYF member you will be required to:

  • Attend monthly meetings (length of meeting 1 – 1.5 hours)
  • Meet with other young people to discuss issues concerning them
  • Organise and deliver events and activities that raise the profile of YYF and the YCA
  • Produce a monthly newsletter

It would be helpful if the YYF members have the following attributes:

– Be committed
– Have an interest in youth affairs
– Be able to listen and respect the views of others
– Take their responsibility seriously
– Not to be afraid to express their opinions

How do I become a YYF member?

Young people aged 11 – 18 who want to become members will need to complete ALL the questions on the link below.  Alternatively you can scan the QR code.

Please complete the form by Sunday 24th January 2021 at 8pm. After this date the selection process will take place in consultation with young people.

Yemeni Youth Forum Nomination Form

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